Saint George the Martyr is a traditional Anglican-Catholic parish worshipping in Simpsonville, SC. We use the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer along with the American Missal for all our worship, including our Eucharistic liturgies each Sunday morning at 8:30AM, 11 AM and Wednesday at noon.

We are a traditional, biblical, and apostolic church, reveling in the rich and reverent heritage of the historic English Church. Saint George’s is a parish in the Diocese of the Eastern United States of the Anglican Province of America. Our presiding bishop is the Most Reverend Chandler “Chad” Jones and our cathedral is in Dunwoody, Georgia.

A Welcome from the Rector

Regular Sunday Worship Schedule

Early Service – 8:30 AM

The first Holy Eucharist each Sunday is a peaceful hour long spoken liturgy of Word and Sacrament for those drawn to contemplative silence.

Christian Education – 10 AM (Sung Morning Prayer 1st Sunday of the Month)

Sunday School for adults and children offers a variety of courses taught by clergy and devoted lay instructors through fall and spring semesters. The first Sunday of every month features Sung Morning Prayer instead of classes.

Late Service – 11:00 AM

The second Holy Eucharist liturgy involves the full voice of the Church in song and hymnody with choir and organ and chant. The first Sunday of the month includes the use of incense.

One of the beautiful things that initially brought my family and me to and continues to inspire us at St. George’s is the profound, sonorous conviction of our congregation, whether in song, spoken or silent prayers, readings and affirmations, or agape concern for each other. We are so grateful for this welcoming, real, encouraging fellowship of believers!

Bryan (Member since 2021)

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